Whom have I in heaven but You?
And besides You, I desire nothing on earth
Psamls 73:25
God's love to the entire world
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  Welcome to Areskyestrada.com.....................................................may the peace of Jesus be with you
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the Father except through me"


Aresky Estrada ........ Mi primer amor  

Lost in the darkness of this world I wandered looking for the reason of my existence. A blind man cannot see unless his eyes are opened. Then I heard of a wonderful man who came to give the answer to my anguish, He came to open the door to eternal life, to show us the way that leads to the Creator of all the things.

He came to heal, to bless and to save all whosoever believe in his name. And I have believed in his name, the name that is above any other name mentioned in heaven and earth, a name that is powerful to release mankind from the chains of death and transport his creation to the awesome light of God. In that name I found the peace and the salvation of my soul, and love that I can't explain. And you my dear friend, if you still don't know him I invite you, right now to call upon his name, a name whose power and might are beyond this world, a beautiful name, his name is Jesus.

If you still don't know where you are going in this life and or the life after! Repeat with me this simple prayer of faith with all of your heart and all of your strength:

"Lord Jesus I am a sinner. I repent before you of all my sins and I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you are the Christ, the Savior of the world and now I receive you as my personal Lord and savior of my soul. I thank to you for your sacrifice in the cross. Come into my heart and take control of my life. Thank you for listening to my prayer. "


  Copyright © 2007 Aresky Estrada